04 Dec How To Continue to Practice While You’re Away on Holiday
This time of year is all about getting those last bits of work done, time off, family, friends, parties, holidays, and anything in between. Whether you’re still working throughout or getting away for weeks with family, this time of year can be a challenging one when it comes to consistency in our practice. Our practice helps us to stay happy, healthy, and connected so it’s something that we want to continue year-round. Here are some of our tips and tricks for keeping our practice up, from asana to meditation to simply being present; it all counts towards a calmer and happier self throughout the holiday period.
Listen to your body
This is really number one. Sometimes when we are stressed and busy a strong and dynamic vinyasa practice isn’t what we need, perhaps a slow yin-style practice is just what the doctor ordered. But also if we’re away and rested and filled with energy, a vinyasa practice might fill us up. Listen to your body and always move in a way that makes sense for you on any given day. With no expectations of what that has to be. A nourishing practice is one that helps us feel better, so start with how you’re feeling and go from there.
Get appy
Some of us love to get on our mat and move to the beat of our own drum, but some of us find that very challenging. For those of us who want to practice asana while on holidays and away from the studio but need some guidance, an app or a website can be really helpful. Some of our favorites include Yoga Glo, Cody App, and Gaia TV. These sites and apps have world-renowned yoga teachers guiding you through one off classes, series that focus on particular things, as well as beginner classes and even meditations. There’s something for every stage of your practice.
Remember presence
One of the most important parts of our practice is to be mindful and present in what’s going on. Sometimes that means our practice for the day is being 100% in the moment with the people we’re with, the situations that arise, and wherever the day takes us. If that means no formal practice takes place, so be it. Remember that you don’t have to sit on your yoga mat to have practiced that day.
Five minutes is better than no minutes
When we’re away from our normal routine, time doesn’t always feel the same. And we don’t always have an hour or more to dedicate to our practice. So whatever the time you have, use it for whatever your body needs in that moment. From five minutes to 90 minutes.
Get outside in nature
Connecting to nature is a huge part of feeling part of something, connecting back to the grounding nature of our practice, and healing the body and mind. Wherever you are use the great outdoors to help you feel more connected with your practice. Whether you roll your mat out on the deck, meditate by the ocean, or simply get present with the trees around you, nature is one of our best tools. Enjoy it.
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